Graveland – Carpathian Wolves (1994)

February 26, 2023
Graveland – Carpathian Wolves (1994)

There is a lot of controversy around Graveland. I’ve recently been doing a bit of snooping around NSBM, so this is all fairly new to me. As a sworn lefty do-gooder, bands like Graveland have always been somewhat blacklisted, give or take. So during my dives, I decided to take a look at what this Wotan metal was all about.

I can only hope for all of the fans on the internet that take Graveland so seriously that the music improves dramatically after this debut because this thing is a shaky, nonsensical clusterfuck – with all due respect. A lot of black metal in the early 90s especially, can leave a lot to be desired when it comes to production and what have you (that is kind of the point, right?), but Carpathian Wolves is so menacingly awful that it almost falls into cringe territory.

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