Archive for April 2014

The Kovenant – Animatronic (1999)

The Kovenant – Animatronic (1999)

April 20, 2014

It might have cybergoth written all over it, but this album is the fucking shit. Imagine if Dimmu Borgir decided to start making music like KMFDM or something. Animatronic is a bright, sparkly journey through what should by rights be a dark and mysterious world. The songs are keyboard or female-vocal led, beefed out with chuggy riffage and a combination of programmed beats and heavy drumming. Eagled-eared listeners (is that a thing? It is now!)…

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Scatman John – Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop) (1994)

Scatman John – Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop) (1994)

April 1, 2014

SKI BA BOP BA DOP DA FUCKIN’ BOP NIKKA A bit of a jokey post for you, considering it’s April Fools and all. Despite the ridiculousness of the content, this is a genuinely canon Lines In Wax post and has been added to the Collection page and everything. Ho ho! I got this alllll the way back on January the 2nd when I was helping my buddy Phil out at his job recycling textiles, and…

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