Agathocles / Suppository – Split CD (1999)

January 4, 2023
Agathocles / Suppository – Split CD (1999)

Proper meaty, long-player split from two amazing grindcore legends. Agathocles don’t require any introduction, but their session here is solid and well-played. The high-end frequencies are a bit harsh but AGx aren’t known for production quality and this is far from the worst of their stuff.

Suppository are brilliant. I fear I’ll sound a bit dense describing them this way but I love how the music is a mix of straight-up ravenous grindcore in the instrumentation, but then you get the goregrind vocals over the top of it. Viva la pitch shifter! Usually goregrind can sound a bit more morbid or muddy, but this thing doesn’t miss a beat; it’s fast as hell and has lots of old school influence.

As far as AGx splits go, this is one of the better ones that I’ve heard.

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