The Negation is the band’s follow up to the legendary and IMO game changing Nihility. On the surface of it, The Negation is like Nihility part 2, which should be a good thing I guess considering how incredible that album is, but for reasons I’ve not really addressed until now, The Negation never really landed with me and this was when I parted ways with Decapitated back in’t day.

Don’t get me wrong, some of the songs here are absolutely incredible. That lightning in a bottle feeling from Nihility and even Winds… is still here (kind of), with the dream team of superfukkenfastblurzovdeffmetal in Vogg, Martin and Vitek delivering deliciously complex yet insanely brutal compositions of sound. It’s the band’s final album also with original vocalist Sauron, so this should be a fitting end to the original trilogy, right? The issues that do come then, are with the flow of the album. I think. Maybe there’s something about the way these tracks are ordered, maybe it’s just the nature of the tracks in general. I’m still not completely and entirely sure, but whilst they might be great in isolation, in the form of an album they don’t really work all that well. It’s a strange one, I’ll be honest.