Goblin Cock – Bagged And Boarded (2005)

June 29, 2023
Goblin Cock – Bagged And Boarded (2005)

Well then. Goblin Cock was recommended to me by Spotify, and I simply had to check it out immediately because of the audacity of the name. What I did not expect was metal in the doom / stoner style, unusual in the way that it sounds entirely typical yet also as if something is completely off and wrong. It’s as if aliens heard early Sabbath and maybe some Kyuss and then decided to make some music in that style. Or perhaps more topically, if AI could make doom metal, it might sound like this.

Let’s be real here though, the doom / stoner / rock scenes are flooded already with mediocre bands to the point beyond saturation, so is another terrible band, albeit one that appears to be a purposeful parody, even at all remotely needed? Granted, Goblin Cocks seems to predate the stoner doom bubble but my point stands. Listening to this is a waste of time for absolutely anyone.

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