Tumour – Too Large For Digestive Capacity (2006)

December 14, 2020
Tumour – Too Large For Digestive Capacity (2006)

Ahh, Too Large For Digestive Capacity lives up to its name by almost being just that; an undigestible mess of different sessions and chunks from around the Tumour world. Presented in seemingly no particular order at all, this “full length” captures songs recorded between 2001 and 2005, with zero cohesion or visible plan. There’s even a 10 minute or so live session thrown in, but more studio tracks follow it before the record finishes.

Yes, this is a hideous mess. But, the grinding digi-gore on display is actually rather enjoyable. Tumour could probably have gotten 8 or 9 splits out of this thing, but here it is in all its ridiculous glory under one title. If you’ve 1hr 20mins worth of appetite for badly recorded digital grindcore, then by all means continue.

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