2wo – Voyeurs (1998)

December 12, 2020
2wo – Voyeurs (1998)

Well isn’t this just awful. I was reading about Halford’s 90s musical excursions when I discovered he’d collaborated with John 5 on an industrial project. ‘What was all this then?’ I thought innocently to myself, but it was not long before the shitty, studded metal dildo that is 90s industrial fucked me once again.

Like, this is not industrial music. The tag is used far too loosely. You can’t just get some heavy snare sounds, some robotic riffs and some crappy lyrics about being alone or horny or whatever and call that industrial. No, this is bland, boring, borderline nu metal tripe for greasy 90s kids with too much Brylcreem in their hair. Horrendously bad.

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