2 Minuta Dreka / Pulmonary Fibrosis – Split Tape (2006)

June 6, 2020
2 Minuta Dreka / Pulmonary Fibrosis – Split Tape (2006)

2 Minuta Dreka are incredibly hit and miss for such a high quality band. Thankfully, on this split with Pulmonary Fibrosis, the Italian noise masters swing and hit it out of the park. Noisy, rehearsal-room-feel gore, coupled with noisecore-style song approaches and length, make this a tasty slab of underground grind (undergrind?) that makes you moist between the legs.

Pulmonary Fibrosis on the other side are just as good, even with the music leaning in a more slam-tinged approached to goregrind. The trouble here is that the Pulmonary stuff (at least) appears pulled from a myriad of different sessions, giving their side a disjointed, disorganised feel.

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