The County Medical Examiners ‎– Forensic Fugues And Medicolegal Medleys (2002)

April 30, 2020
The County Medical Examiners ‎– Forensic Fugues And Medicolegal Medleys (2002)

As much as I absolutely adore Olidous Operettas I cannot stomach the earlier County Medical Examiners stuff. This final stab at Medleys was my last ditch attempt to get into it, but I just can’t do it. All in all, of course, my problems would not lie with such excellent Carcass puppetry, but there are some vocals which sound as if they have been shifted up, rather than down, and it just sounds fucking atrocious (edit: it might be the vocal contributions of original bassist Michelle Hayes, either way it fucking sucks ass). Like, it’s a really really bad and irritating sound that totally ruins the rest of the record for me, unfortunately.

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