Hymen Holocaust – Hot Love (2010)

August 12, 2013
Hymen Holocaust – Hot Love (2010)

I suppose it was only a matter of time before Hymen Holocaust did an album for Rotten Roll; nasty European goregrind and that label go hand in hand! Hymen Holocaust is my favourite type of goregrind. Sure, it doesn’t blast a thousand times a minute, but it’s slow, heavy, nasty, watery as fuck and absolutely hanging. It’s what GUT should have “cumback” sounding like, give or take a nudge on the groove and porn factors. If you could only describe filthy as a sound…you’d get Hymen Holocaust, and I’m not talking “my girlfriend likes kissing other girls” filthy, I’m talking “piss on me and call me a whore” filthy. You read that right.

The whole thing opens and closes with some creepy piano shit but other than that and the odd horror movie sample separating a few songs, the whole thing sounds like one big garbled mush. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I’m just saying there’s nothing really stand out here; it’s just one fairly short album of pure groovy goregrind and all the songs kinda blur together. Hymen Holocaust records only differ slightly from each one production wise, so people experienced with his/their works shouldn’t expect anything groundbreaking here, just more sloshy as fuck love anthems from some of Europe’s leading (red) lights in the goregrind scene. We demand more Hymen Holocaust!!! Grindcore is love!!!

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