Necro Tampon / Gonorrhea Pussy – Split CD (2007)

August 3, 2013
Necro Tampon / Gonorrhea Pussy – Split CD (2007)

This was one of the first goregrind splits I ever got hold of, so therefore it holds a very special place in my heart (ha ha). Both bands seem to have fallen into obscurity these days, but this is still worth talking about. It’s maybe not the longest CD in the world, but it’s still worth getting if you see it around. If you are interested in groovy, nasty goregrind in any way I strongly recommend it.

The fantastically named Gonorrhoea Pussy start things off. The mix is a bit strange at first, sounding very hollow, and it takes a while to get used to. The drums are very high up in the mix and possibly a little too treated, whilst the guitar is fuzzy and muddy. The vocals are of the usual pitchshifted stock, although different enough to keep purists interested. It doesn’t really matter though, once you start feeling that groove you want to start dancing around like a cretin, and that is the only seal of approval I need. The intro and outro tracks alone are just samples (although the first has some instrumental parts), bringing the GxPx tracklisting down to just three songs, which are over far too quickly.

Necro Tampon are a bit more chaotic in their approach, but still share the muddy, nasty rehearsal room sound of GxPx. Necro Tampon are also a bit faster, and their drummer seems more partial to playing something outside of the 4/4 beat. The guitars are absolutely absymal (and I mean that in the nicest way possible), reminding more of Anal Cunt than any names from the goregrind world. They play a few more tracks than GxPx, but again their turn comes to a close fairly swiftly as well.

This was released by the excellent German label / distro Rotten Roll Rex, more commonly known as RRR. As they have recently redesigned their shopfront, now is a good a time as ever to click on that link and have a gander a whole world of grindcore.

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